Gates Pushes 'Power to the People' Message

Microsoft"s chairman talks up the business benefits of blogging, RSS, online meetings and other user-empowerment technologies to 100 top CEOs.

How do you explain Real Simple Syndication (RSS) to 100 CEOs, some of whom are barely comfortable checking their own e-mail?

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates found a way, as part of his keynote that kicked off the company"s eighth annual CEO summit taking place in Redmond over the next two days. The summit was closed to the press, but the Gates keynote was Web cast for members of the media.

The productivity benefits accrued by companies that aren"t afraid to back "bottoms-up empowerment" was a key theme for Gates during his hour-long address, attended by CEOs from Barnes & Noble, Berkshire-Hathaway, Dell, Delta, Fanny Mae, Hewlett-Packard, Home Depot and other Fortune 1000 firms from around the world.

Gates detailed a handful of scenarios that exemplify the "seamless-computing" world view that he has been espousing for the past couple of years.

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