, along with millions of other sites, go down [Update]

One of the biggest website domain name services is experiencing an outage at the moment, and its taking lots of other websites along with it. admits via its Twitter page that it is having problems with its website. The problems apparently started earlier this afternoon Eastern time.

So many messages, can"t get to you all... Sorry to hear all your frustration. We"re working feverishly to resolve as soon as possible.

— Go Daddy (@GoDaddy) September 10, 2012

The TechCrunch website claims, via an unnamed sources, that there is a problem with GoDaddy"s DNS servers which is also affecting the millions of other websites that use"s hosting and domain services. A hacker who claims to have connections to the Anonymous group is claiming responsibility for the issues, but this has not been confirmed.

A recent update on the Twitter page states that some sites have now been restored but that they are still working on the issue.

Update: It looks like most systems are back to normal."s Twitter page now says, "Most customer hosted sites back online. We"re working out the last few kinks for our site & control centers. No customer data compromised."

Thanks to bankajac for the tip!

Source: Twitter page| Image via

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