Google’s search engine is well known for the myriad of tasks it can perform. Everything from image search, to smart filters, to unit conversions and translations. As of today, the most used search engine in the world has one more trick up its sleeve: an RGB to Hex converter for all you color buffs and artists.
For those of you a bit less familiar with the terms, RGB and Hex values are used by our technology to store color information. For example, an RGB code of (0,0,0) or a hexadecimal code of #000000 refers to the color black. Combinations of each of those numbers gives you a different color.
And now you can find the hex or RGB code of that exact eggshell white you’re searching for, but by typing “Rgb to Hex” in the search field. A simple color converter will show up, to let you pick the color you want. The tool also displays color codes for other schemes, including CMYK.
While a simple addition, this can save time for lots of people, especially designers, web developers and digital artists who may require a quick color check. It’s also another way for Google to keep users on its own domain instead of sending them to third party sites.
Via: Reddit