Google Health possibly coming this week, try it using trick

Google has been quietly testing a new service called Google Health. Rumours about this service started at the end of March, when Google informed about Adam Bosworth´s hiring, with the title "Architect, Google Health."

As added, this service is occasionally available at, and appears to operate along the lines of Google Music. So when you do a search for a topic like "anxiety," you get the ever-present sponsored links, a list of web sites related to the condition, and some "refine results" links such as "treatment," "research papers," "From medical establishment," "symptoms," "news," and "alternative medicine." Each of those "refine results" links takes you to a more focused list of links.

If you would like to try this service, you do not need to wait until you are lucky one and Google´s server send you result with Google Health links. Slovak IT site found out that all you have to do is type IP address mentioned above, search for a medical term (e.g. mental illness), then add "&ie=ISO-8859-1&hl=en&cx=" (without quotes) at the end of the URL and load page again. The first two variables are intended for international users to make sure that English interface and ISO-8859-1 encoding is used, the third one „tells" Google to show those links.

Reports are that Google plans to announce the new service at some point next week, possibly at the annual Google Press Day on Wednesday.

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