Google Home now lets you set and manage your reminders

Google has been making regular changes and updates to its Home smart speaker system, but one that has been missing and often requested was reminders. An update today has finally added the functionality.

The official Google Home Help page trumpeted the addition today, saying that "You can set, ask about, and delete reminders on Google Home." The update at the moment is English only and will work in the United States, the U.K., Australia, and Canada.

As long as you are running Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) or higher, you will be able to sync Google Home notifications with your other Android devices. You can set up time-based and recurring reminders and even ask the Google Assistant about future reminders. Location reminders will be coming in a future update.

On your phone or tablet, it is easy to see notifications and reminders. But since Google Home has no screen, it will work a bit differently. Google Home will announce "I have a reminder for [name]," while turning on its light at the same time. The light will remain on for 10 minutes as a visual cue. When the user hears the statement, or sees the light, they can ask, "OK Google, what"s up?", or just request what the reminders are.

Of course, if you get a lot of reminders, it could get rather annoying having Google Home pipe up all the time, so notifications can be turned off if your assistant becomes a nuisance.

Via Android Police

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