Google reportedly developing 'Genesis' AI to generate news articles

Google is reportedly testing an AI tool that can generate news articles. The tool, called Genesis, is still in development and can potentially revolutionize how news is produced.

Genesis uses "details of current events" and other information to generate news copy. Journalists could use Genesis to help them write articles, freeing them to focus on other tasks, such as reporting and editing.

According to the NY Times report, Google has pitched Genesis to several major news organizations, including The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and The Washington Post. It is said that Genesis could produce "high-quality, factual news articles" at a fraction of the cost of traditional journalism.

In partnership with news publishers, especially smaller publishers, we’re in the earliest stages of exploring ideas to potentially provide AI-enabled tools to help journalists with their work.

For instance, AI-enabled tools could assist journalists with options for headlines or different writing styles. Our goal is to give journalists the choice of using these emerging technologies in a way that enhances their work and productivity.

- Jenn Crider, Google spokesperson

However, there are some concerns about the use of AI in journalism. Some people worry that Genesis could lead to the automation of journalism jobs and that it could also be used to spread misinformation.

Google is rumored it is committed to responsibly using Genesis. Genesis will be used to supplement, not replace, human journalists. The new AI will also be subject to the same editorial standards as any other news article.

Previously, we reported that Google will reportedly use generative AI for ads and customer service. The company plans to use generative AI to automate ads. It will also be used to automate ad-based customer services.

The Genesis AI is still in the testing phase, with no official release date announced. And it is still too early to say how it will impact the future of journalism.

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