Gothic 3 Interview sat down for an interview with Blaine Christine who is the US Executive Producer for Aspyr Media"s newly released in Europe but not quite released in the US yet (whew say that three times fast) RPG Gothic 3. For those of you who have never heard of the Gothic series of RPG goodness, let"s just say that Gothic 2 to this day is one of the best RPG"s on the PC ever. Really. I for one cannot wait for Gothic 3 to be released here in the States. All of my fellow European homies should go out and buy it, now. In any event, here is just some of the interview, for the rest obviously follow the link to the full interview:

FiringSquad: What can you tell us about the game"s storyline and how it relates to previous games in the series?

Blaine Christine: The developers did a great job of creating a very exciting new scenario for Gothic 3 while maintaining ties to the previous games in the series. All of the old favorite characters will be there again: Diego, Milten, Lester, and Xardas, among others. As always, the challenge with creating a sequel is making a game that welcomes new players, but does not alienate members of your audience that are fans from previous games. Both of the previous games took place on the island of Khorinis, so the biggest change in the story is the fact that for the first time the player is shown the mainland of Myrtana. As you arrive on the mainland with some friends from the past, you discover that the humans have been overrun by large bands of Orcs and your first decision will be what part you will take in the ongoing conflict. This decision will dramatically affect your gameplay experience and ultimately determine the outcome of the game!

Link: Gothic 3 Homepage (In german and English)
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