GuildFTPd version 0.998

GuildFTPd is a free and very easy to use FTP server application.

Here is the huge list of what"s new in version 0.998.


  • Added a very cool Easter Egg! Try to find it before Easter! Prizes available!

  • Added upload speed limit

  • Added customizable send/receive buffer size option

  • Added option to enable or disable GuildFTPd from resolving connecting computer"s hostname

  • Added option to force only one instance of GuildFTPd to be able to run

  • Added an option to have Folder limit include subdirectories or not

  • A general option to make files with the "hidden" attribute, to be hidden to users

  • An advanced option in "createedit user"

  • A Random Password generator in add/edit user dialog

  • Added option to copy a new user"s password to the clipboard

  • Added IP Mask to right-click menus

  • Added e-mail option (e-mail will be displayed when using site commands)

  • Added "Launch help file after install" to installation program


  • User list now has colors to identify specific types of users

  • User list now has tooltips to identify specific types of users

  • "Browse time limit" will ban user for 5 minutes, to avoid re-connect

  • Most plug-ins now in single menu

  • SFV Plug-in now has a menu

  • SFV Plug-in can now be configured


  • Folder limit working again

  • Fixed download speed limit

  • Fixed buffer overflow bug

  • Another directory bug fixed

  • Fixed a resume upload bug, which existed when transferring from FlashFXP

  • No more banlist bug

  • Fixed IP Mask from not showing up for groups

  • Fixed bug where real directory was shown if you cancelled a download

  • Fixed bug where "Min transfer rate" would kick uploaders as well.

  • Fixed bug where GuildFTPd would shut down immediately instead of waiting for transfers to complete first.

  • Couldn"t create directories starting with "COM"; for example common, or computers.

  • Fixed bug where a group couldn"t be created if a username with the same name already existed

  • Fixed Post uploaddownload messages from now calculating right.

  • Fixed log file setting error

  • Window placement remembered now


  • Password encryption within user database

  • Kick server messages removed

  • Blue buttons from GUI, to create a more professional look
News source: GuildFTPd website

Download: GuildFTPd 0.998

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