Hackers will not release Sony employees' personal information if they object

Hackers will not include personal information of Sony"s employees in their latest leak if the workers object. The group, calling themselves Guardians of Peace, threatened to leak more information they stole from Sony, calling it a "Christmas gift".

The hackers said they will withhold personal information if employees ask them to do so, saying "We have a plan to release emails and privacy of the Sony Pictures employees. If you don’t want your privacy to be released, tell us your name and business title to take off your data."

The leaks so far have included scripts, movies and conversations. The screenplay for the next James Bond movie known as "Spectre" was leaked earlier by the group.

Sony Pictures attorney David Boies warned in a sternly worded three-page letter that Sony will take legal action against any news organizations which continue to report on the stolen information in the leaked documents. ​Boies requested cooperation in destroying the stolen information.

The group behind the attacks previously demanded that Sony withdraws the movie, The Interview, from distribution. The hackers are rumored to be acting on behalf of the government of North Korea, however, the government has denied involvement. The movie is controversial among North Koreans because it features a plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un.

Source: Pastebin via: Engadget | Image: Bloomberg

Editor"s Note: This article was altered to reflect that Sony"s position is that it will take legal action against publications REPORTING on their leaked info. A prior version of the article incorrectly stated that Sony had a tiny bit of integrity left.

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