Hollywood takes aim at campus file-swappers

The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) is taking new steps to stop illegal downloading of movies. MPAA is working closely with colleges around the US and developing new technologies that can be applied to existing networks to help stop illegal downloads on campus. So far the MPAA hasn"t taken the extreme measures that the RIAA has, and has avoided a public outcry. The majority of people I know will agree that they"re not mad at the Movie industry just the Music industry. Do to how the RIAA has handled everything so far.

The Motion Picture Association of America has launched an advertising blitz against illegal movie downloading that targets students.

Ads that warn why piracy is illegal and of its impact on the economy will be placed in daily newspapers, consumer magazines and more than 100 college newspapers, the MPAA announced Tuesday. The association said it is already working with more than 120 U.S. colleges and universities to develop codes of conduct for computer use on campuses where networks are choked due to peer-to-peer exchanges. It is also developing new technologies to curb illegal downloads.

The MPAA is increasingly worried that its movies will be swapped via the Internet among millions of people who haven"t paid for copies. College campuses are ground zero for illegal downloading, because students often have access to high-speed Internet or LAN (local area network) connections through their school"s network. Studios say such violations have cost them billions of dollars and thus have targeted universities to help to curb file swapping.

News source: C|Net News.com

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