Horloger is a standalone gadget that puts a great looking clock on your Windows 7 and Windows Vista desktop. it comes in 2 sizes, 4 styles, many different languages and works on both 32- and 64 bit systems. Just double-click the executable, make some adjustment settings to your preferences and you"re good to go.
There are a number of other skins available, including a miniature version of the main theme, but this is the most impressive looking one. The clock can be configured to start automatically with Windows and you can choose whether minutes, second, or milliseconds should be displayed, and toggle the display and format of the date as well. There are three pre-set screen locations to choose from for the clock – top, middle and bottom – but you can also switch to manual positioning mode so you can place it wherever you like. You can then lock the module so it will not be accidentally moved.
The app is available for both 32- and 64-bit versions of Windows and the download includes both versions in the archive so there is no need to make the choice in advance.
Download: Horloger 1.0 | (2.1 MB) Freeware
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News source: DownloadCrew