How-To: Install Gadgets for Windows 8.1 (really...?)

WARNING: THIS SOFTWARE IS A 3RD PARTY PROGRAM AND INSTALL AT YOUR OWN RISK Some of you avid Microsoft fans may still be mourning the loss of the notorious desktop clock (or raving in joy), or the much loved RSS Feeder. Well now there"s a way to get them back, unofficially of course. Using a nifty little download, you can emulate the same much loved (or hated) feature that was present in the previous operating systems.

This software isn"t exactly new and I"m sure a lot of you will already be aware of the program, this is just a guide for those who haven"t had the time or effort to search for the software.

Head over to and download the installer that"s on the front page (beware of the ads, they can look deceiving, its the one on the right hand side.)

Run through the download, then right click on the Desktop when complete - you should see the "Gadgets" button in the menu. Enable this, and a stock version of the program should appear.

Feel free to tweak the settings, I prefer removing the background the app comes with, leaving just a transparent background. All the original gadgets should now be available including some extras that the developer has thrown in. You also have the ability to change individual opacity"s of gadgets, as well as size and other options.

In the advance of live tiles, surely Gadgets are useless, and maybe even a hinderence, what do you think about Gadgets? leave a comment below!

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