Http File Server (HFS) is an easy to use drag and drop file server for personal file sharing. It runs as a standalone executable and does not require any installation. The program is very easy to use, just drag a file into it to share it with the world. You can customize the port it is running on, specify the IP address and monitor connections from the tray icon. HFS presents the shared files on a simple HTML page, that includes the file name and size. With some HTML knowledge, you can completely customize the HTML template to meet your preference. HFS can also integrate into Windows Explorer, allowing you to easily share files from the right-click menu.
[NEW] Menu -> Virtual File System -> "Reset totals"
[NEW] speed limit accepts decimal values
[CHG] clearing the log no longer reset totals
[CHG] renamed: "Reset downloads" > "Reset files hits"
[CHG] renamed: "Don"t count as download" > "Don"t consider as a download"
[CHG] renamed: "Save total in/out" > "Save totals", also saves hits/downloads/uploads, enabled by default
[CHG] show browser icon in address bar
[CHG] don"t show the login button if no account/pwd has been set
[FIX] updated template help
[FIX] UTF8 fix for filename in progress frame (only uploading)
[FIX] ~specials (urls with ~) didn"t work with folders with "?" in the name
[FIX] holding SHIFT and CTRL keys were undetected at startup
[FIX] hfs.comments.txt was not used for symbol %folder-comment%
[FIX] template import/export support for UTF8