IBM, Verisign edge toward security pact

In a major endorsement of security across its wares, IBM is working with VeriSign on a joint product development and sales deal that would marry VeriSign"s authentication and payment services technology to Big Blue"s hardware and application might, industry sources tell InfoWorld.

The two sides are said to be negotiating on a multiyear partnership to deliver secure e-business services via the Web. According to sources, Armonk, N.Y.-based IBM and Mountain View, Calif.-based VeriSign will create a new Entitlements Management Service based on VeriSign technology and Tivoli Policy Director.

The new service will secure ebusiness environments by combining online authentication, digital credentials and signatures, and policy management and authorization backed by updating of trusted customer and partner information.

As a two-tiered sales and distribution approach, IBM Global Services and VeriSign"s Consulting Group will offer customers a range of managed services and will assist companies with PKI (public key infrastructure) implementations, according to industry sources. Officials at IBM and VeriSign declined comment.

If a deal between VeriSign and IBM is consummated, their joint PKI and architecture expertise would be good news for customers wrestling with PKI but bad news for others, said John Pescatore, an analyst at Stamford, Conn.-based Gartner.

News source: InfoWorld - IBM, Verisign edge toward security pact

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