Internet Explorer for Windows Phone 8.1 will now include iOS7 and Android 4.0 in its user agent to get full HTML5 features in mobile web apps, such as Gmail and Google Calendar.
Microsoft has lagged behind in getting support from popular websites for its Internet Explorer browser for a long time. However, even with cumulative updates and new releases the support has been dismal.
Now, in order to rectify this, Microsoft, has updated the Windows Phone version of the browser with better support for HTML5 mobile web and will also be spoofing the platform used, as iOS and Android in order to access features disabled by some mobile websites such as Gmail.
The new user agent string is as follows:
Mozilla/5.0 (Mobile; Windows Phone 8.1; Android 4.0; ARM; Trident/7.0; Touch; rv:11.0; IEMobile/11.0; NOKIA; Lumia 930) like iPhone OS 7_0_3 Mac OS X AppleWebKit/537 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile Safari/537
The browser was recently reported to include hundreds of improvements in its upcoming version, which will debut in the GDR1 update of Windows Phone 8.1 and this is an addition to those.
Source: WMPU | Images via WMPU