In answer to Google & Yahoo, MS to acquire 24/7 Real Media?

If your complaining doesn"t work, try doing the same as what you were complaining about.

Google buys DoubleClick, Yahoo! is already planning to buy the rest of Right Media, and it appears that Microsoft has emerged as a contender, along with ad giant WPP Group, to buy Internet ad firm 24/7 Real Media. Sources said the software giant is considering a price in the $1 billion range for 24/7 Media, the price of which has probably shot up because Microsoft is getting desperate knowing that it"s competitors, which are already doing better in the online ad market, are already ahead in the acquisition business. A Microsoft spokeswoman declined to comment on what she described as speculation and rumor. WPP, the #2 ad agency holding company, is less likely to win a bidding war for 24/7 Media, with analysts doubting it has the financial firepower to match Microsoft.

News source: New York Post

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