Inkscape 0.92.1


Inkscape is an open-source vector graphics editor similar to Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw, Freehand, or Xara X. What sets Inkscape apart is its use of Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG), an open XML-based W3C standard, as the native format.

In contrast to raster (bitmap) graphics editors such as Photoshop or Gimp, Inkscape stores its graphics in a vector format. Vector graphics is a resolution-independent description of the actual shapes and objects that you see in the image. A rasterization engine uses this information to determine how to plot each line and curve at any resolution or zoom level.

Contrast that to bitmap (raster) graphics which is always bound to a specific resolution and stores an image as a grid of pixels.

Inkscape can import and display bitmap images, too. An imported bitmap becomes yet another object in your vector graphics, and you can do with it everything you can do to other kinds of objects (move, transform, clip, etc.)

While Inkscape does not have all the features of the leading vector editors, the latest versions provide for a large portion of basic vector graphics editing capabilities. People report successfully using Inkscape in a lot of very different projects (web graphics, technical diagrams, icons, creative art, logos, maps).

Inkscape 0.92.1 changelog:

Regression fixes

  • Text: baseline-spacing related issues with regular and flowed text in legacy Inkscape SVG files (Bug #1655483 and others).
  • Text: Default baseline spacing stored in relative units is always converted to document units (Bug #1645016)
  • Path effects: Crash on ungroup if group contains elements with path effects (Bug #1657591)
  • Clipboard: Pasting a path effect from clipboard fails (Bug #1656093)
  • Clipboard: Fix copy&pasting of groups which contain elements with path effects (Bug #1656527)
  • Selection: Node tool can selected objects on locked layers (Bug #1656141)
  • Clones: Critical warnings with clones and symbols (Bug #1653184)
  • About screen missing for several UI languages (Bug #1659426)
  • Selection: Missing transformation handles after reset of rotation center (Bug #1657874)

Important bugfixes

  • Bitmap images: Crash when opening files with invalid image links (Bug #1660142)
  • Bitmap images: Fix path separators in relative image links (Windows) (Bug #1659347)
  • File import: Failure to open CDR/Visio/WPG files from paths with special characters (Windows) [full release notes]

Download: Inkscape 32-bit | MSI | Standalone | ~60.0 MB (Open Source)
Download: Inkscape 64-bit | MSI | Standalone | ~70.0 MB
Download: Inkscape for Other Operating Systems
View: Inkscape Website

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