Paul Thurrott"s has done his usual excellent job in this, the sixth part of his Windows XP Installation and Upgrade guide.
It"s rather long to say the least, but it covers literally EVERYTHING from evaluating the Pre-installation checklist, booting the CD, Insert qualifying media if you are required to, selecting the partition to install, Network setup, the WPA, setting up users, to the final new Windows XP logon screen.
Included are extensive screen shots and commentary on the clean install, so go and have a look, you will not be disappointed.
At the end he has some excellent tips, :-
- Immediately run Windows Update to bring sure your system is up-to-date.
- Test your hardware devices
- Set up your users
- Customize the system further [Display, Performance and Control Panel]
- Defrag your system drive
- Install and run your software
- and ... finally Set up Automatic Updates