Faster HDD Interconnect Brought to Life
The Serial ATA Working Group announced Wednesday two specification development milestones at the Intel Developer Forum in Barcelona, Spain. One centers on doubling the signalling speed for Serial ATA, the other on new cable and connector solutions to support additional applications and usage models.
The specification for the second generation Serial ATA signaling speed - 3Gb/s - has been completed and the release candidate of that specification has started its ratification process. The second-generation speed of 3Gb/s (300MB/s) is double that of the first-generation Serial ATA speed which is 1.5Gb/s (150MB/s).
Volume 2 of the SATA cables and connectors specification adds several new cabling options:
An internal multi-lane cable and connector assembly for streamlining connections between multiple internal host ports and internal devices or short backplane.
An external consumer cable and connector solution that accommodates use of Serial ATA with external storage devices.
External multi-lane data-center cable and connector solution for connecting multiple Serial ATA channels between chassis in a data-center.