Internet Explorer 9 and Windows Live help Finns find love

The next version of Microsoft"s ubiquitious browser could help you find true love, or recover from a broken heart - if you"re Finnish, that is.

Microsoft blogger Long Zheng has come across a Finnish promo video for Internet Explorer 9 and the Windows Live 2011 suite which mixes tech with romance. While the premise may be cheesy, the production values are remarkably slick and the video shows a continued effort by the software giant to think outside the box when it comes to advertising its products. And as Mr Zheng points out, if nothing else, the Finnish ad is a good public service announcement against romantic tattoos.

Earlier this week, Neowin featured yet another quirky Microsoft ad, this time poking fun at a lack of Blu-ray support in Mac OS X.

There"s no indication as to whether the video will feature in any upcoming Microsoft promotional campaign.

A public beta of Internet Explorer 9 was released in mid-September, and Microsoft has continued to release regular ""Platform Previews"" showing off new and updated features. The final release date for the browser has yet to be announced.

Update: According to the tags on the video"s Vimeo page, the promo was shot using a Canon 7D DSLR.

Update #2: Mr Zheng has discovered yet another quirky video, this one promoting Windows 7 and Windows Live.

Microsoft Internet Explorer 9 Promotional Film (Finland) 2010 from J.H. JylkkÀ on Vimeo.

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