Introducing the Wall Jack PC

We know you all want a wall-socket PC right? Who wouldn"t? This little guy has been in development for about a year now.

The "Jack PC" is a low to medium power PC. The unit can be powered via PoE (Power over Ethernet) and sports a 500MHz AMD RISC processor, 64MM flash memory, 128MB of RAM and runs Windows CE. It is designed to be used as a thin client with a server (and is quite dependant upon one). It would be neat to see one of these things running *nix. I"m sure it will be done eventually. The tech scene can get anything running on *nix. I think my toaster runs Red Hat right now.

The average low power computer consumes about 80 watts. The Jack PC consumes only 5 watts of power keeping both the cost (to run) and heat of the unit down. I wonder if we could make this into a HTPC somehow.

Priced at (about) $392, you could really buy an entire PC for that. However, if small footprints and minimal power consumption is something you are after, this might be perfect for you. You should be able to pick one up sometime mid-June.

Picture: Click here
View: Jack PC
News source: ZDNet

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