iPhone to go multi-carrier in Canada next month

Reports from The Globe and Mail indicate that the iPhone will go multi-carrier next month in Canada, opening up to Bell and Telus. Previously only Rogers and Fido, both operating under Rogers, have owned the exclusive contract from Apple to sell the iPhone in Canada, under their GSM network.

Bell and Telus, both companies recently joined to create a larger HSPA (high-speed packet access network) in Canada, will soon be able to offer consumers the Apple iPhone 3GS, as early as next month.

Currently both companies operate under the CDMA channels, while Rogers and Fido operate under the popular GSM/HSPA network. Bell is said to be building a $1 billion HSPA network, that will be ready in November for consumers, allowing them to sell the iPhone in Canada.

Canada will soon join other countries, such as the UK, who sell the iPhone through multiple carriers. AT&T still seems to hold an exclusive contract to the iPhone in the U.S., preventing other companies from offering the phone until the contract has ended.

Thanks to Brian Blasius for contributing to this report

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