KeepSafe Released

Stardock Corporation, a leading software application company, announced KeepSafe today. KeepSafe is a revolutionary new utility that combines data backup and revisioning into one simple program. Based on user-defined backup locations and settings, KeepSafe becomes a seamless component of the Windows XP operating system. It is available for $29.95 on

Once installed, KeepSafe can be configured to protect user-chosen file types (i.e. -- .doc., .pst, .xls, etc.) or entire directories (i.e. -- "My Documents"). From then on, any time a user works on one of those files and saves their changes; KeepSafe will automatically store a revision to a user-defined location, typically a server, locally, or external drive. The archiving feature allows users to store multiple versions of each document based on the user"s preference. If a key data file gets corrupted, the user can right-click on that file and choose to return to an earlier version, minimizing the lost time and effort. KeepSafe is the intermediate step needed to secure data between backups.

Brad Wardell, CEO and president of Stardock said, "This product works without the user even realizing it"s working. It"s that seamless. Users, once they"ve customized their setting definitions won"t have to remember to backup their important files anymore. KeepSafe will do it automatically without hot keys or hot buttons to worry about."

Another key aspect of KeepSafe is that it builds an on-the-fly database of everything it is protecting. As a result, users can quickly find versions of any document they"ve ever worked on quickly. If you"ve ever had to search your hard drive to find something you recently worked on or use a "desktop search" program to find your documents, KeepSafe is for you.

View: Keepsafe

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