Ken Kutaragi's Comments on PSP Refresh Battery Concerns

According to an interview with Japanese site PC Watch, SCE head Ken Kutaragi said that more hardware intensive games will consume battery life faster for Sony"s upcoming PSP handheld console. "Battery consumption will greatly differ with the memory and processor load," said Kutaragi. "Puzzle genre [games] will last long, but Ridge Racer would probably be shorter than that."

According to Kutaragi, the longevity of battery life will depend on the software programming, and that with proper programming, the PSP will be able to achieve its stated figure of 4-6 hours. "With regards to battery, we approach it from the software, and there"s still room for improvement," said Kutaragi. In addition, using the PSP"s wireless LAN capabilities will also "greatly" affect battery life. However, the limitations in hardware load also has considerations aside from battery life. "Since portable consoles are held directly by the hands, battery consumption has to be restricted so the console doesn"t generate heat to the hands," said Kutaragi.

News source: GamePro

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