The advertising war between Apple and Microsoft rages on, with a new soldier brought into battle: the latest Microsoft ad of the "Laptop Hunters" variety has been distributed across the internet, included for your viewing pleasure below. This has been going on for a little while now, and we"ll give you a brief history below, in case you"re a bit behind.
Microsoft kicked off this series with the infamous Lauren ad, which came under much fire across certain parts of the internet (though was still a big hit at the same time, when you think about it). Following that up was an ad featuring Giampaolo and then after that, a mother and son combination, named Lisa and Jackson respectively. After these, Microsoft have also brought out one featuring Shiela, a graphic artist, just recently.
This time around we"ve got Lauren and Sue, Lauren being a (soon-to-be) Law student, and Sue being her mother. Lauren wants a laptop with, "speed, portability and battery life," and is given a $1700 budget to do so. After perusing the selection of devices available, the stumble upon the Mac section. This leads to Lauren exclaiming, "This Mac is $2000! And that"s before adding anything." Sue asks, "Why would you pay twice the price?" and Lauren snaps back with an, "I wouldn"t!"
Lauren ends up with a Dell Studio XPS laptop for $971.99, which hopefully works out for her as she wants it to boot fast and, "do programs fast." We"ll leave this with you guys, and feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments below.