LAV Filters are a set of open-source DirectShow filters, aimed to eventually replace the better part of the playback chain required to play all and any modern media. LAV Splitter is a Souce Filter/Splitter required to demux the files into their separate elementary streams. LAV Audio and Video Decoder are powerful decoders with a focus on quality and performance, without any compromises. Supported Formats: MKV/WebM, AVI, MP4/MOV, MPEG-TS/PS (including basic EVO support), FLV, OGG, and many more that are supported by ffmpeg!
LAV Filters are based on ffmpeg and libbluray and is aimed to offer a all-around solution to perfect playback of file-based Media as well as Blu-rays.
What"s new in this version:
LAV Splitter
- Further improved H264 media type creation
LAV Audio
- Fixed an issue with the initial media types causing graph building failures in some situations
- Fixed a bug with DVBViewer which caused a delay on channel changes
Download: LAV Filters 0.51.3 | 7.0 MB (Open Source)
View: LAV Filters Website