Let's Encrypt issues 100 million certificates giving us a more secure web

Let’s Encrypt has reached a new milestone; it has issued more than 100 million certificates. According to Let’s Encrypt, this illustrates a strong demand for the services, their ability to scale and the power of automated certificate management. Let’s Encrypt hopes to make the entire web switch to HTTPS meaning that everyone’s browsing will be safer from malicious entities eavesdropping on traffic.

The progress that Let’s Encrypt is making is pretty phenomenal as it demonstrates:

“When Let’s Encrypt’s service first became available, less than 40% of page loads on the Web used HTTPS. It took the Web 20 years to get to that point. In the 19 months since we launched, encrypted page loads have gone up by 18%, to nearly 58%. That’s an incredible rate of change for the Web. Contributing to this trend is what we’re most proud of.”

Let’s Encrypt went stable last April and reached the goal of issuing 10 million certificates in September. For all the good it’s doing, the project has had a bit of negative press too. In January 2016, Trend Micro stated that Let’s Encrypt was being abused by criminals. to this claim, Let’s Encrypt said that certificate authorities aren’t the ones responsible for policing bad actors; that should be left up to the Google Safe Browsing API and site owners.

Source: Let’s Encrypt | Image via Techfruit

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