Linus Torvalds on NVIDIA's non-Linux Optimus support: "F*** you"

How does Linux creator Linus Torvalds feel about NVIDIA? He"s not shy about giving his opinion about the graphics chip maker, who has so far not released any official Optimus support for the Linux platform. In a recently posted video on YouTube, Torvalds talks to a group of students in at Aalto University in Finland. Responding to a student"s question about trying to get Linux running on her Optimus laptop with a NVIDIA-based graphics chip, Torvalds turns directly to the camera and says, "NVIDIA, F*** you", while also giving the camera a well known gesture with his middle finger.

The Q&A exchange, which starts at the 48:10 mark in the video, has Torvalds state that NVIDIA is "the single worst company we"ve ever dealt with". He also says that NVIDIA"s attitude toward Linux is odd since it sells its Tegra mobile chips in a lot of Android-based smartphones and tablets; Android has some of its roots in the Linux OS. However, he seems to also understand that NVIDIA isn"t going to change its position toward Linux, saying, "We can"t do anything about it, but it"s life."

While he"s not saying that "other companies are perfect either", Torvalds does say that NVIDIA has turned out to be "the exception rather than the rule" when it comes to Linux support from other businesses.

Via: Reddit
Source: Aalto University YouTube video

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