Linux Administration Best Practice ($33.99 Value) eBook Free Download Ends Today

Claim your complimentary copy before this offer worth $33.99 expires today February 23, 2023.

Linux is a well-known, open source Unix-family operating system that is the most widely used OS today.

Linux looks set for a bright future for decades to come, but system administration is rarely studied beyond learning rote tasks or following vendor guidelines. To truly excel at Linux administration, you need to understand how these systems work and learn to make strategic decisions regarding them.

Linux Administration Best Practices helps you to explore best practices for efficiently administering Linux systems and servers. This Linux book covers a wide variety of topics from installation and deployment through to managing permissions, with each topic beginning with an overview of the key concepts followed by practical examples of best practices and solutions. You"ll find out how to approach system administration, Linux, and IT in general, put technology into proper business context, and rethink your approach to technical decision making.

Finally, the book concludes by helping you to understand best practices for troubleshooting Linux systems and servers that"ll enable you to grow in your career as well as in any aspect of IT and business.

By the end of this Linux administration book, you"ll have gained the knowledge needed to take your Linux administration skills to the next level.

Free offer expires today February 23, 2023.

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>> Linux Administration Best Practice ($33.99 Value) Free Download
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