Here is a quick roundup of some of the news that good olde Steve announced at today"s MacWorld Expo NY 2002.
- 32nd Apple store opens tomorrow - Apple Soho, NYC - Wicked, souped up Apple Store w/ glass staircase
- new .Mac initiative (with Steve comparing .Mac to .net citing similarities) [see previous story on Neowin on this topic...]
- New 17" iMac w/ GeForce 4MX and 17" cinematic screen (1440x900) @ $1999.99 (256mb mem, 80gb etc)
- iPod stuff....
- New 20gb version priced at $499, that"s 4000 songs in your pocket!
- 10gb now priced at $399, 10gb iPod now 10% thinner.
- Both 20gb and 10gb iPod"s now come with a wired remote (available for all iPod"s for $39)
- Firmware upgrades - Genre and Composer (vs. Performer) song selection, playcounts downloaded from iTunes
- Other iPod software extra"s - Contacts (not new), Calendars syncs w/ iCal (drag to iPod). Graphical represnetation of calendar on iPod screen, jumps to text list, also on-screen clock, Breakout now listed in menu.
- PC iPod! -- "iPod for Windows" - at last, partnering with MusicMatch to get iPod autosyncing -- same 3 models @ same pricepoints for PC"s (PC requires Firewire card!)
- iSync - "Synchronise your digital life" - with GPRS always-on data cellphone based on SyncML, phones will be added to Apple"s digital hub, also adding Palm to the digital hub! You enter the data on your Mac (can also use .Mac), and have it sync on your phone! Sony/Ericsson phones to be available soon.
- OS X 10.2 Jaguar ships August 24 (early) for $129
- Real One Player for Mac OS X announced
- iTunes 3 - star-rating system, play count selection (# of tiles played), same-playback-vol level, support plus rule-based, auto-generating, "Smart Playlists"
iPod and iTunes are for legal or rightholder-authorized copying only. Don"t steal music.