Mattrick: Over $1 billion spent on Xbox Live

Microsoft"s Don Mattrick has revealed current sales stats for the Xbox 360 and boasted that the hardware will outsell its bitter rival during this generation.

North American sales of the Xbox 360 have reached 10.3 million, pushing the machine over 5 million units ahead of the PS3, according to the Xbox boss.

"I"m willing to declare here today that Xbox 360 will sell more consoles worldwide this generation than PS3," said Mattrick during the company"s E3 conference.

According to Mattrick, Xbox 360 software has accounted for over 2.7 billion software sales in the past 12 months.

Third-party game revenue on 360 "outpaced the Wii and PS3 combined" in the last 12 months, he said.

When it comes to Xbox Live, a new member joins every 5 seconds, according to Microsoft, which now has over 12 million members, who have between them spent "more than one billion dollars on Xbox Live."

There are over 10,000 movies and TV shows on offer through the company"s Xbox Live Marketplace service, said Mattrick, and new European partners will include Renown Studios, MGM and Constantin.

View: Games Industry

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