
Maxthon Cloud Browser

Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows uses a unique, innovative dual-core design that uses both Webkit and Trident. Fast and efficient, our dual-core design displays all web pages quickly and reliably. With its first-place HTML 5 support and ‘out of the box’ features you can‘t get anywhere else, Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows frees people to share and send files among different devices and platforms, easily.

Maxthon changelog:

  • Improved the data importing feature experience when upgrading MX4 to MX5

  • Optimized the experience on Maxnote

  • Enhanced browser"s stability

  • Fixed the issue of the number of notes in the left directory won’t change after deleting multiple notes

  • Optimized the feature of "sorting by name" on Maxnote"s main interface

  • Fixed the issue of create notes feature are still available in the same directory after deleting a folder in Maxnote

  • Fixed the issue of the favorite button in note detail page does not highlighted after setting it as favorite in Maxnote’s directory

  • Fixed the issue of custom URL direct visit feature is not available under special cases

  • Fixed the issue of there"s no text reminder when the mouse is suspended on sidebar"s favorite and note button

  • Fixed the issue of sidebar did not display after installation or upgraded browser

  • Fixed the issue of there"s no responses when entering read mode

  • Fixed the issue of there"s no responses on all types filter feature on Maxnote main interface

  • Fixed the issue of Maxnote main interface"s folder directory display different

  • Fixed the issue of uninstall programs still show the the old version number and name after upgrading the browser

  • Fixed the issue of can"t auto-fill account info on Adobe website

  • Fixed the issue of the content does not highlighted after searching on Maxnote

  • Fixed the issue of right-click and edit directory folder on Maxnote"s folder, it still displayed the old title

  • Fixed the issue of identify location in folder"s detail is wrong after searching in folder

  • Fixed the issue of there"s no note title after creating a new note under special cases

Download: Maxthon| 53.8 MB (Freeware)
Download: Portable Maxthon | 46.3 MB
View: Maxthon Website

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