Maxthon Cloud Browser

Maxthon Cloud Browser

Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows uses a unique, innovative dual-core design that uses both Webkit and Trident. Fast and efficient, our dual-core design displays all web pages quickly and reliably. With its first-place HTML 5 support and ‘out of the box’ features you can‘t get anywhere else, Maxthon Cloud Browser for Windows frees people to share and send files among different devices and platforms, easily.

Maxthon Cloud Browser fixes:

  • The pre-open function in address bar was disabled by default
  • Crash when printing RSS leak
  • The following languages have been updated: ar-bh, ar-ye, bn-in, ca-es, he-il, hi-in, id-id, ml-in, mn-mn sr-cs, th-th, ar-sa bg-bg da-dk de-de es-es es-mx es-pe eu-es fa-ir fi-fi fr-fr hu-hu id-id it-it ka-ge ko-kr lt-lt nb-no nl-nl pt-pt ro-ro ru-ru sk-sk sl-si sv-se tr-tr uk-ua vi-vn zh-hk zh-tw

Download: Maxthon Cloud Browser | 39.1 MB (Freeware)
Download: Portable Maxthon | 34.3 MB
View: Maxthon Website

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