Straight from Patchou!
Hello! for once, I"m not releasing the new version after the promized date but BEFORE... I know I said friday but wednesday sounds more fun . So here it is, the public beta version of Messenger Plus! 2.20... it is entirely compatible with Messenger 6, it has new features, new fun stuff, and now, the only thing that is missing is your approval. This beta version needs you and your friends to test it in all the environements possible (Windows, Messenger, ...). The more you test, the better it is. I plan to do the final release in ten days from now and I won"t make it if you don"t help me.
Please note that the sponsor package has not been updated yet, which means that if you the old one caused you some problems, you must not install the one distributed with this beta (IT"S OPTIONAL, remember). The new sponsor package will be included in future betas and, of course, in the final public version of Messenger Plus!.