Microsoft and RoQC partner up to make cloud migration easier

Last week, Microsoft announced Energy Data Services - its new, fully managed OSDU Data Platform in the cloud. Calling it the "first of its kind" of such a set of services, the tech giant revealed various ways that made its new offering suitable for the cloud ecosystems it is targeting. Over the past few days, Microsoft has been unveiling details regarding the partnerships that went behind the launch of the new platform.

Today, in continuance of that endeavor, the Redmond firm has detailed a collaboration with the Norvegian software vendor RoQC. The teamup aims to ensure that new cloud-based management capabilities can be fully leveraged by energy companies.

Comparing one of the new services, LogQA, offered as part of this initiative versus more traditional approaches, Bjørn Thorsen, CEO of RoQC noted:

"Traditionally a petrophysicist might spend a day or two cleaning up the logs for one well before they can be used for detailed analysis—with RoQC LogQA the same petrophysicist can clean hundreds of thousands of logs in the same timeframe. By cooperating with one of the largest platform providers in the world, we gain access to technology, competency, and markets it would be hard for us to get otherwise."

Tools that reduce the size of complex data by 10 to 30 percent are being touted as huge cost-reducers. Not only are large data sets targeted for size reduction, but general work efficiency for data managers is considered to be a primary benefit of these services as well. Overall, the process of cloud migration is aimed made easier through various tools and consultants working to simplify the process, remove redundancies, and comply with different standards.

RoQC believes that it will be able to expand the reach of its technologies through this partnership, in its bid to become more of a global presence.

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