Microsoft crowbars Live Search into Facebook

Microsoft has traded its exclusive deal to plaster Facebook with banner advertising for the right to pump Google-style contextual search ads on the profit-lite website. The switcheroo was tossed into yesterday"s attempt by Steve Ballmer to convince analysts that he"s still the world"s top chair-flinging sweaty software kingpin in the wake of the Yahoo! bid debacle.

Boydroid CEO Mark Zuckerberg claims that he isn"t interested in making money and that his once-buzzy firm is focused on "adding value" for users. The truth however is that Facebook needs to demonstrate to its real customers and chiefs - advertisers and venture capitalists - that it is anything more valuable than a complicated web spam generator. Especially after the world was shocked - shocked! - to discover the site isn"t really worth $15bn.

View: The full story @ The Reg

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