Microsoft expands support for Docker, adds more instruments to the orchestra

Microsoft is working diligently to make sure that Azure is the be-all solution for developers looking to build apps and services that run in the cloud. With support for Windows and many open-source technologies, Azure is looking to be the cloud that works with every technology and every device.

Previously, Microsoft had announced support for Docker and today they are expanding that support with the announcement of beta releases for Docker Machine and Docker Swarm on Azure, and Docker Machine support on Hyper-V.

What this means:

  • Docker Machine – Azure customers can automate Docker host creation on Azure using the Docker Machine client for Linux or Windows. This gives customers the ability to automate management tasks with greater efficiencies.
  • Docker Swarm – Developers can choose their infrastructure, including Azure Virtual Machines, and scale as required for their dev, test, or production environments. This is another tool to help developers automate the scheduling of tasks while saving time.

While this is a technical expansion of of Azure, it plays into Microsoft"s overall goal of being a productivity company and supporting all technologies that its customers want to use; Docker has proven to be quite popular among developers. If you want to learn more about these beta releases, you can check out Microsoft"s post here.

The beta tools are available now and you can find them here.

Image Credit: Shutterstock - Close up of Servers

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