Microsoft Forms now allows users to add or remove people or groups from email notifications

Microsoft Forms has been getting a lot of attention lately, as the company has added new features and improvements for its easy-to-use forms, quizzes, and survey maker over the past few months. Now, Microsoft has announced a new feature that"s apparently been highly requested by its users for a while now.

Until today, the only person who was able to receive email notifications for responses from something made in Microsoft Forms was the creator of that form. In a blog post, Microsoft now says the form owner can now add both people and groups so they can get the same email notifications to responses. Form owners can also, naturally, delete people and groups from getting those email notifications.

To add users, the creator of a form can go into Microsoft Forms" settings. They should the “Get email notification of each response” option. They can click on it and then they can add the name and email address of each person they wish to get a notification. They can also add the name of a group with their email as well.

Microsoft says:

When a new response is submitted, all those listed under “Response receipts” will receive an email notification. They can simply click "view results" to access the form"s result page for more details or sync to Excel for always up-to-date information without needing to return to the Forms site.

If you need to delete a name or group from the Forms email notification list, just go back to the list of recipients in the settings, and then click on the "..." icon next to that list and then remove the names you need by clicking on the familiar trash can icon.

In the last few weeks, Microsoft Forms has added support for putting in pre-filled links for responses, More recently, Forms has added support for the Copilot AI assistant, including allowing Copilot to create new questions for new or existing forms, or for rewriting existing questions.

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