Microsoft indirectly responds to Google moving away from Windows

Today, in a blog post from Microsoft"s Brandon LeBlanc over on the Windows Team Blog, Microsoft responded to the various claims that were circling the web last night, which asserted that Google was "ditching" Windows for Mac and Linux because it was too much of a "security effort".  The blog post by Microsoft points out that many of these claims were false and mostly out of proportion.

Last night, an article was published in the Financial Times that claimed:

"Windows is known for being more vulnerable to attacks by hackers and more susceptible to computer viruses than other operating systems."

Brandon points out that this is not supported by fact, and goes on to say that many people agree that Windows is making fast and huge progress in the areas of security, as acknowledged by third parties:

"When it comes to security, even hackers admit we’re doing a better job making our products more secure than anyone else. And it’s not just the hackers; third party influentials and industry leaders like Cisco tell us regularly that our focus and investment continues to surpass others."

The blog post also points the finger at the Mac platform too, linking to an article by InfoWorld which reports on Malware being downloaded to users" Mac"s and asks if this is something that will be more common in the future. Oddly, the post actually never names Google itself, but instead calls them "one particular company" and doesn"t reference them once, other than mentioning how there were reports of Yale University stopping their move to Google Apps for security and privacy reasons.

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