Microsoft is bringing voice messaging support to LinkedIn

Microsoft has added a new feature to the LinkedIn app for mobile users to enable faster communication in the messaging interface. With this new update, users on mobile are now able to record and send voice messages up to a minute, in addition to the regular messaging features the app already offers.

"People speak about four times faster than they type, making voice messaging great for explaining longer or more complex ideas without the time and involvement of typing and editing a message. It’s also helpful for when you’re on the move and don’t have time to stop and type," explained Microsoft"s Zack Hendlin this week.​

It"ll work like voice messaging works on other chat apps. There"s a microphone icon that you can hold to record and release to send. To cancel a message recorded in error, simply slide your finger away from the icon.

Microsoft is rolling out voice messaging for LinkedIn users on Android, iOS and the web (albeit receipt only) now, and the update should be hitting the relevant app stores this week.

Source: LinkedIn via Windows Central

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