? Following the publication of the #TileArt app in the Windows Phone Store recently, Microsoft has now released the Microsoft Math app for students and teachers alike, allowing users to learn, study and practice Mathematics in a more engaging and intuitive way.
The application is quite minimalistic in terms of design and works quite well even on low-memory devices. It asks users to sign in from their Microsoft account and then choose an education system before displaying the app"s information and social features. These features include a personalized profile, groups, monthly and global rankings and a points and numbers section allowing students and teachers from all around the world to interact with each other quite easily.
Teachers can effectively use the app to monitor how well students grasp the topics they have learned. These topics include Algebra, Calculus and Geometry, Probability and Statistics and Numbers and Operations, acting as a tool for learning these rather advanced branches of the subject. The store description states:
Microsoft Math makes the learning experience personal, engaging and exciting. Students can do math exercises, read theory, learn from examples, and take tests. Microsoft Math adds a social dimension to education, making it possible to collaborate and compete with other students.
Teachers can use Microsoft Math to motivate, monitor, and track learning and skill levels, giving more specific and individual feedback to students. It’s a great tool for enriching the learning experience, engaging students even after school hours and outside classrooms.
The free application requires access to your Microsoft account, is 1 MB in download size and can be downloaded from the store here.
Source: Windows Phone Store via WinBeta |Images via Windows Phone Store