Microsoft launched its Kinect motion controller camera for its Xbox 360 console back in November 2010. However, the company has yet to release any downloadable Xbox Live Arcade games that support the Kinect camera. That changes next week when Fruit Ninja Kinect is made available for download for the Xbox 360. This is an adaption of the successful mobile phone game from developer Halfbrick as players will be able to use their arms to slice and dice fruit on screen via the Kinect.
While Fruit Ninja Kinect will be the first Xbox Live Arcade game to support the Kinect camera, it won"t be the last, according to Microsoft. According to Computer and Video Games, Xbox Live European product marketing manager Robin Burrowes said, “We"re targeting a frequency of about one a month from the Xbox Live Arcade portfolio that will have Kinect integration. That will really be powerful and differentiate the platform.” So far, it"s not clear which Xbox Live Arcade games will join Fruit Ninja in adding Kinect support.
Meanwhile, Microsoft has a ton of major retail Xbox 360 games coming up in the near future that will support the Kinect camera controller. They include third party published titles like Ghost Recon Future Warrior, Mass Effect 3 and more with EA"s Sports games joining the Kinect line up in 2012. A number of Microsoft published games are also scheduled to have Kinect support, such as Fable: The Journey, Ryse, Star Wars Kinect (co-published with LucasArts), Halo Combat Evolved Anniversary and many more.