Almost two weeks ago, Microsoft released PowerToys version 0.37 that brought with it a bunch of improvements to the suite of tools, removing the legacy settings app and moving the Keyboard Manager into an independent process as well as the ongoing process to ready the Video Conference Mute tool for a stable release. Today, the firm is releasing a minor update to fix a few issues in the tools, bumping up the version to 0.37.2.
The company says that the patch aims to fix two regression bugs in 0.37.0 they deemed important for stability based on user feedback.
Here is the complete list of fixes (it"s a short one), along with links to the corresponding issue trackers:

If you want the Video Conference Mute utility, you"ll need to install the experimental version which was released in the middle of April.
As usual, this release can be downloaded from the GitHub page here, or directly through the tool. It must be noted, however, that users running the experimental version will not receive this update. The next release for those users will contain all the fixes made to the tools in version 0.37.2.