A few days ago, on Tuesday November 30, Microsoft released PowerToys v0.51.0 after just over a month of no stable or experimental releases. Understandably many fixes have made its way into the newest release, but it appears it wasn"t as stable as the developers would have liked, making a new release necessary. Today Microsoft released 0.51.1 with two fixes, which you can view below:
The first bug appears to be an issue with FancyZones not enabling when booting up Windows 10 or 11, users would have to go into PowerToys, disable FancyZones, and then enable again to get it working. The developers appear to blame the VirtualDesktopManager for FancyZones failing to start. The second bug appears to be a problem that has stayed with older versions of PowerToys, where in some cases newer installs have not removed older plugins, and those plugins fail to start. the v0.51.1 release fixes that.
Version 0.51.1 contains all of the fixes and improvements from the 0.51.0 release, which you can view here.

PowerToys is Microsoft"s open-source project that offers a collection of nifty tools that people can use to customize the Windows 10 or 11 UI and experience to their liking. As we know, depending upon feedback and general stability, some of the utilities also make their way to the OS eventually. A prominent example of this is Snap Layouts and Span Groups in Windows 11 which borrow heavily from the FanzyZones tool in PowerToys.
If you are using PowerToys in Windows 11, you can grab it in the Microsoft Store. For others in Windows 10, you can open the app and click on "Check for updates" under the updates section on the General tab. Those who would like to try PowerToys for the first time can grab the version 0.51.1 installer from the app"s GitHub page.