While consumers and many businesses might be interested to learn more about Microsoft"s plans for the upcoming Windows 8 operating system, enterprise administrators are also likely to be interested in learning more about the Windows Server 8 OS.
ZDNet.com reports that during Microsoft Worldwide Partner Conference today the company gave attendees the first real look at what Windows Server 8 has to offer. Both Windows 8 and Windows Server 8 should be released around the same time.
The article states that one of the new features in Windows Server 8 will be Hyper-V Replica. This new feature will allow for "asynchronous virtual machine replication." In English, that means that users of the operating system will be able to "replicate their mission-critical database to an offsite data vendor." Microsoft says that it will allow a number of third party "storage, datacenter and software/service providers" to use this new feature, which is usually provided by third party software. It also won"t charge any additional Windows Server 8 license fees if server operators want to replicate the OS via a virtual machine. Microsoft also stated that Hyper-V Replica will allow for over 16 virtual processors to be run per machine.
The Hyper-V Replica is just one of over 100 new features that Microsoft claims will be included in Windows Server 8. More info on the server OS is expected to be revealed in September during Microsoft"s Build conference. Windows Server 8 is expected to be released in its final form sometime in 2012 alongside its consumer and business counterpart Windows 8.