Microsoft Store Ads are now generally available for all developers

The Microsoft Store Logo

Microsoft definitely wants more desktop developers to use its Microsoft Store platform to let Windows 10 and Windows 11 users download and install desktop apps. Today, the company revealed that the Microsoft Store Ads program, which launched as a pilot program back in September 2022, is now available for all app developers to access.

The Microsft Store with ads designed to promote apps in the store

According to the blog post, developers can now run ads in the store via Microsoft Advertising, Developers must have apps already in the store to run any ad campaigns with this new program, They can promote an all-new app with the ads, or a major update to an existing app. The company also promises competitive costs per click (CPC) rates. They can run a campaign to put their app in front of an audience that might like similar apps. For example, a racing game could be advertised in the store for people who are already fans of racing games.

In a separate announcement, the company is now allowing all Win32 developers to upload their desktop apps to be sold in the Microsoft Store, That includes desktop apps made with .NET, C++, Electron, Flutter, Qt, Rust, and more. Again, the apps must work on Windows 10 or 11.

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