Microsoft will now detail only "significant" Windows 10 updates

Microsoft released the third cumulative update to Windows 10 last week. But surprisingly, the supporting document associated with the patch - known as KB3081438 - was devoid of any information pertaining to what the update contained, except that "it includes improvements to enhance the functionality of Windows 10". This surprised many users of the OS, keeping in mind that Microsoft was forthcoming about the fixes in the previous two cumulative patches. The company has now offered an explanation regarding its policy of change logs regarding Windows 10 patches.

Talking to The Register, a spokesperson from Microsoft clarifies that:

As we have done in the past, we post KB articles relevant to most updates which we’ll deliver with Windows as a service. Depending on the significance of the update and if it is bringing new functionality to Windows customers, we may choose to do additional promotion of new features as we deploy them

With Windows 10 now on more than 53 million devices - which constitutes nearly 5% of the market - misleading rumors have been spreading throughout the globe about how Microsoft is breaching customer privacy, it isn"t surprising that Microsoft has decided to be slightly less forthcoming about every single KB patch.

With that being said, this is a double-edged sword, as many users like to be fully aware of all the changes present in the update they"re installing.

Source: The Register

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