A few weeks ago, we reported an odd discovery in Microsoft Edge: a poll asking users to explain their decision to download Chrome. A similar thing is now haunting OneDrive users on Windows, demanding to answer why they are closing the app. And demanding is a correct word here because Windows will not let you quit OneDrive without answering first.
Here are the options the app lets you pick:
- I do not want OneDrive running all the time
- I do not know what OneDrive is
- I do not use OneDrive
- I am trying to fix a problem with OneDrive
- I am trying to speed up my computer
- I get too many notifications
- Other
Sadly, there is no "none of your business, let me quit" option.
The updated "Quit OneDrive" dialog with its poll is just another Microsoft attempt to impose its services, and discovering similar "ads" across Windows and other products takes only a few clicks. Here are some examples:
- The Settings app will prompt you to enable OneDrive backup when changing your Windows background. "Back up your Pictures folder to automatically back up your background image."
- File Explorer shows a flashing backup button in user folders. Tip: close OneDrive to make it disappear.
- Backup notifications in the Start menu.
- Backup notifications in Office apps when saving files locally (how could you dare not save your files in OneDrive).
- And multiple notifications from the OneDrive app itself.
The new OneDrive dialog is available in version 23.214.1015.0001 (Stable build). If you want, you can update your OneDrive client by downloading its executable from the official website. If not, the app will update itself automatically whenever it feels like doing so.
Forcing customers to explain their actions may not look like the deadliest sin, but it does not make user experience any better or more convenient either. Next time, Microsoft might ask you to explain turning off your computer.