In the year 2028, there will still be Bing users. That"s the fictional prediction made by "Robocop", the new remake of the classic sci-fi action film that opened in U.S. theaters this week. Microsoft confirms that Sony Pictures and the film makers behind "Robocop" worked together to offer up a vision of how people might use Bing 14 years from today.
The Bing blog states that Microsoft didn"t want to design a search engine user interface for the movie that used a 3D holographic design, as many sci-fi films use when they try to depict the future of computing. The final product can be seen above, which Microsoft says has been made so a character in the "Robocop" world can speak naturally to the Bing interface and receive the information he or she needs without a lot of links. The blog added:
The solution was to have elements continuously scrolling in and search results updating in a living animated way. We also envisioned a 3D display with the most important things in the foreground. As we know that digital data is going to continue to explode at an exponential rate, we called for the search results tally to be constantly updating as new information arrives.
Of course, Microsoft is working on improving and adding features to Bing in the non-movie real world, including the beta test of 3D maps in Bing Maps and the use of Foursquare"s data in its search database. Even Officer Alex Murphy might be impressed.
Source: Microsoft | Image via Microsoft