Microsoft's new CEO conducts his first interview

With Microsoft announcing Satya Nadella as its new CEO, effective immediately, his first interview as the company"s leader has been posted to YouTube.

While this is an internal interview from Microsoft, it does give a solid look at where Nadella is going to take the software giant, and we expect this will be the first of many public statements by Nadella over the next few weeks as Microsoft introduces to the world the man who will lead the software giant. The video is a high-level look at Satya’s ambitions for Microsoft, and while there are no tough questions asked about Windows 8 adoption or Windows Phone sales, you can start to see how Nadella’s personality is dramatically different than Ballmer’s loud and outgoing style.

The world will be watching closely to see how the new CEO takes helm of a ship with more than 130,000 employees, but don’t expect changes overnight. Microsoft was already on a new path with its device and services model and it will be up to Satya to either continue down this road or set forth a new path.

With Satya being the third CEO in the nearly 30-year history of Microsoft, and the fact that he is only in his 40s should mean he"ll be at the top of the org chart for a considerable length of time.

Source: YouTube

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